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Started a brand-new web site...I guess it's goodbye to the old ones! I'll be back soon!

Busy promoting "PERUGIA WAY"...Another episode of "Frontal Lobe & Dumplings"
is in the                                  


My "PERUGIA WAY" CD with The Venus Fly Trappers is now complete and ready at local stores in Rochester, NY. Online, it will soon be available alongside my "Comedy CD" with Chuck McCoy at CD Baby. Older tracks and CD's are available at I-Tunes (and SoundCloud / LastFM) or through Rocket Racket Records. PERUGIA WAY is my debut CD at Jargon Records.

Director Frank Stamm is re-editing the "Fudge Club Band Profile" to fit in shorter film length; plus finishing up "Astronaut Upstairs". The internet show "Del Rivers Show" is on Winter hiatus until Mark Elliott gets back. "The Frontal Lobe Show" is filming their second sketch since their Winter break. I'm not doing much else due to my painful health condition (neuropathy), but I hope to do stuff again when it comes my way. - Del.



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